

Music is always a hobby, sometimes a paying one. For 35 years. I've been cycling between playing  keyboards in bands and recording original scores.

Don't have a web site, label, fans, a vision, an agent, a manager, financial goals, or a business plan. Currently, having fun with my guitar pal, ElRon XChile, creating and recording scores which rely heavily on audio clips, midi patterns and tequilla. Seems everyone has a home studio these days. We call it "Frankensteining". Our two piece plus computer band is called Texas Radio, since 1989. There are others entities with the same name. It's  overloaded, but we like it.

Wrt original scores posted, our goal is use copyright free or licensed samples. If you hear a clip that sounds like it's been jacked, please let me know. Too often, clips downloaded from the internet have little or no documented pedigree. I liked the scrutiny y'all have given some of the tunes. Constructive feedback is good. "Frankensteining" songs using audio clips and an editor is fairly new to us so we're open to feedback.
Alias: electronico
Status: Offline
Threads: n/a
Posts: 15
Songs: 0
Joined: October 27th, 2006
Last login: October 30th, 2006

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